Sunday, October 5, 2014


Kenny (yellow shirt) with football buddies from high school.

I attended part of the Homecoming game at Central High School on Friday night and I wondered aloud why I have never gone to any of my high school reunions.
All around us were tents (very important because it rained through the first quarter) with classes celebrating the "5s." Class of 1969 was on one side and the class of 1999 was on the other. Both groups seemed to be having a good time.
Turns out I had good friends at both of these reunions. They appeared to be having a good time.
I came close to going to my 25th high school reunion. I don't remember what kept me from going. I heard that everyone had a great time.
I try not to have too many regrets, but I do regret missing that reunion because a classmate died a few years ago and it would have been fun to hang out with her in a setting like that one more time.
I took my first step at reunioning by going to Kenny's high school reunion from Hampshire High School a couple of weeks ago. My big concern when attending something like this with Kenny is that I will get lost in the background noise. He starts talking and I think I turn into a sofa. (Not that anyone sits on me, but I kinda becoming just part of the surroundings). Mom tells me that is a common female complaint.
I truly cannot make that claim about his reunion, however. He seemed a little shy and I was just dying to hear stories about my husband as a boy. I missed the first 44 years of his life, so I was ready to do some prime pumping.
We sat with men from the football team, primarily. I guess those were his closest friends. As you can imagine, he was quite the athlete, earning a football scholarship to JMU and numerous awards in baseball too.
I listened and laughed and really enjoyed myself. I was bummed that there was no dancing because we rarely have the opportunity, but overall it was a pretty good event.
I think I am ready for the next one. And there better be dancing!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had read this one out loud before hitting publish. Yuck. It was not the best effort. I was pushing myself to get something written. I have been in a kind of dark place lately and the things bubbling up to the surface are not chatty or cheery or even funny. I will do better next time. I promise.
